Cleaning House

OOC 3 points

Despite not wanting to sound rude, Orin could not help but giggle softly at the woman’s plight. Namely it was the frequent use of the word “things” and her vague descriptions of the tools despite knowing precisely what she needed. The moment the giggle bubbled from her throat she threw her hand in front of her mouth and looked apologetic, not wanting to embarrass her new acquaintance. “Oh I’m sorry. How rude of me. I giggle a lot, you’ll come to know.” She gave a friendly wink and hoped there had been no harm done.

She held out her small hand to Kanen, offering a handshake. “It’s really nice to meet you, Kanen.” She was sincere, and supposed if the woman took her hand then she probably couldn’t be too offended by her errant chuckle.

Her honey eyes scanned Kanen’s gray visage, taking in the woman’s large build with interest. Because Cercatori d’Arte was so new she knew no one was native to this pack, and so wondered where this woman was from. Was her large stature a result of breeding? Had everyone in her pack been of the same build? Or was she a strange occurrence? Much like Orin’s own smaller stature was a strange sight for a full blooded Tundra wolf… sometimes she wondered if she was what many referred to as a “runt.” I wonder if she is at all related to Shawchert. Either way, I bet she has an amazing story. I wonder if she would let me write it down some day. She mused to herself, and made a mental note to broach the topic later.

“Well, you and I really are different, huh? You’re in luck!” She snapped her fingers. “I happen to have grown up smack-dab in the center of the old cities of Florida. Barely a thing human that I haven’t seen, smelled, read about, or broken.” She giggled again.

“I also spent a little time repairing an old lighthouse back in my old home. Can’t say I’m any good at it, but maybe between the two of us we can do some good? You want a hammer and nails. I haven’t found any tool shops yet, but there’s got to be something. Come on!” She grabbed Kanen’s hand and made to dart off to the closest shop, though it was unlikely that she could drag an unwilling Kanen. “Even if we can’t find exactly what you need, we might be able to find something useful.”

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