Red tinted glass
       She did not exactly run into them by chance when she entered the scene; the other Inferni wizard had already confronted the two confused forms of the wolves as Halo Lykoi entered the scene. Keen ears had managed to catch the short bit of conversation, though only barely. Unfortunately, this Hydra was not one that had to have all cards on the table in order to interact with troubledoers. She knew none of these three creatures, but she knew how to proceed with this scene. Inferni was no place for innocent critters to wander into. She wanted consequences to be dealt.

”Well, that’s just not good enough,” the Inferni princess stated, voice carrying more than a touch of venom as she stepped up next to the pale woman that was so fortunate to carry the touch of the clan upon her fur. ”You can’t expect us to stand idly by after you’ve stomped on Inferni ground,” she continued, wondering what her uncle would say if she was to offer him two new heads on sticks to watch over the borders. The thought allowed a cold smile to enter her lips, and the beauty seemed forged of ice despite the warm colours harbouring her form.

Her fingers itched for the sword that was not resting in her hands. Ruby gaze washed over her Inferni companion, narrowed with ill will. ” do we..?” There were so many weaklings in this clan; could this woman by her side be one of them? Ah, Halo and her lack of decent manners.


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