New everything


She was still getting the hang of being out alone, though she was only feet from where her parents were, she was still edgy about not being able to see them, so when she heard the voice she jumped, for what she thought was probably ten feet into the air! She started running when she saw what had said that. It was another puppy, not her brother, but a little boy none the less… well he wasn’t as little as she was… in fact he was a giant of a puppy. She swallowed her fear, what did she have to be afraid of a puppy for? The word that came to her mind eased her a bit more, nothing, there was nothing to be afraid of another puppy.

Wha’s so weird about my home

Her little girlish voice squeaked, she was moving away from the wall of the cabin which she had skedaddled to, and was about to run into the door. She didn’t think her home was weird at all, in fact it was the most normal thing in her little puppy mind. There was really nothing more than this? And yet… here was another puppy, one she’d never met before, and she was booming with curiousity, but the questions wouldn’t come. She just thought and most of the time she got her answer one way or another. She didn’t get too close to the boy, but she wasn’t going to show him that he’d scared her either. She was after all growing up, and grownups were never scared. Her mama, though blind was the bravest person beside her papa, and she’d never ever seen anyone of them scared of what they use to be scare of, but the things in the cabin had once been unknown, just like the lands around her, just like this giant of a puppy in front of her.

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