Taking Stock

+3OOC: you should smack me a few hundred times for not replying to this >.>

it seemed that Shaw had scared her much more than he wanted to and she screamed and fell into the termite eaten door, which crumpled under her in an instant. Shaw’s heart stopped when he saw this happen, and he hurried over her, to see if she was alright, but he couldn’t help but laugh when he saw her position and then her comment, it was just too perfect.

First I am good luck then I am bad luck you need to pick out which one I am!

Shawchert said with a wide grin on his face, glad she didn’t hurt anything, upon her request, feeling shamed as she called him her prince, he pulled things off from around her and took her hand and let himself be her anchor to get up and pulled, with enough force to get her to her feet.

I really didn’t mean to scare you this badly, honesty I just thought you knew I was there. No hard feelings I hope?

Shawchert looked pleading at her with his deep blue eyes, hoping she would forgive him. He knew she would but he just wanted things to be final, and his curiousity of what this place was and why she seemed so interested hadn’t ebbed away as dust was still thick in the air inside the old store, but he reminded himself that he would find out soon enough. He had to make sure everything was just fine first. He made a mental note to replace the door later on when he had the chance, that wouldn’t be too hard for him to do, it would keep him quite busy for some time to come, and he knew just thinking about that one project that his whole summer was going to be busy, very busy.

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