I'm just a stranger in a strange land.
It's all good. :]

The scarred man, whose body echoed of battle and defeat, offered to escort the salt and pepper wolf. He pursed his lips. Being accompanied by another wolf meant that he would need to explain himself, and be unable to travel at the speed he hoped for. Unfortunately, Larkspur knew better than to refuse. He needed to make it through to the forest, and his unicorn needed rest—this was apparent, given her heavy breathing.

Orange eyes focused on the Cyclops curiously, as if trying to decipher the riddle of the scars on his face. “Ah live in th’ forest,” he repeated, trying to word things in a way that would make sense. “It ain’t much, but it’s enough.” Nodding to the beast below him, the burly male continued. “Needed some supplies fer th’ unicorn, ‘n figgerd the city was th’ easiest place t’find ‘em.”

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