OOC: haha sory for the delay, but here i am now X3

Sankara was a bit nervous. When she saw a wolf appear behind some bushes she didn't expected a wolf as big as this! at the beginning it surprised her, but she learned not to judge only by the appearance, so she remained on her feet as the male approached her. She wouldn't show weakness.
The newcomer showed relaxed and welcoming, so she lifted her head up a bit. She listened to him as he introduced himself and his pack. Cercatori d' Arte. She had a feeling that this could be her place.

"Hi, a pleasure to meet you Shawchert. My name is Sankara, and I am looking for a place to stay. I have no home, and i was wondering about the possibility of joining your pack.

Bit by bit she lifted her head, but she didn't look at him in the eyes. She started to daydream about her days with her former family, about the hours that she passed observing the other wolves craft wooden toys and figures.

"I am an artist as well, and i'd like to develop my talent."

She said, while feeling the small wooden moon hanging on her braid sway in the wind...Yes, maybe this was her place.

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