Nothing's going to touch you in these Golden Years


This place held an ancient power, Haven could just feel it. Perhaps it was only in his mind, power drawn from all the stories he had been told and tales that he had read about the majestic kingdoms and all their noble and brave inhabitants. The Knight felt it was more than just that though. The fact that this structure had been standing here, barely changed, for hundreds of years was a kind of magic that was hard to truly imagine. How many souls, lupine and human alike, had been captivated by the sight of this place and all the old treasures and secrets that it held? It was likely even older than many of the trees that their mother so loved, and that was a breathtaking thought.

Haven remembered well the first time he had seen this suit of armor, he had been even younger than Alder was. For a moment he had a flashback to looking up at the armor at a much different angle than he was today. Jades looked back to his little brother and for a moment he felt his spirits falter as he saw the boy's tail and ears fall at the sight of the inanimate suit. Thankfully though, the blue eyed boy soon recovered and the wonderment returned to his face. His awe-filled exclamation made Haven beam and his tail wag, a bit of puppish excitement coming back to him as well.

The man grinned as his brother took some brave, rushing steps forward before halting to look back at him. "Oh yes, so much more! Why don't you head whichever way you wish? I'll be right here beside you." He wanted to give Alder the chance to decide where they would explore in the castle. He hoped that with his presence right with him, the boy would gain some confidence.

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