The Moon's Grace

ooc: wc 500 Giant squid xD Made me go 'whaaa?'

Time Goes Faster

Though Tala had not had to many personalities to compare herself to in the past, she still couldn't quite put a place on how to describe herself. Independent? No, that was not enough. In time, maybe she could put a few words on it, but for now all she could say was that she was herself, whatever that made her. Having the older wolfess aid her was quite a treat for Tala, hell, having a pack to call her own was a treat. This was how pack mates were supposed to act, and Tala could get used to this. Aiding the others, she would have no issue with that.

Being surrounded by water, she had been aware that the ocean was nearby, the scent of salt was often picked up in the wind, so knowing that it was just a short distance to reach it had never been out of her had. Had she been heading there initially? Maybe. She wasn't quite sure. "It makes sense that they would flock there, they need fresh water just like anything else." Now fishing, that was something she had not gotten to used to, spending the time to heighten her skills in such a method had been to time consuming for her previous lifestyle. She would however like to try her paws at it, what could she possibly lose?

As Geneva began to move, Tala did not need an invitation to move along behind her. She padded about a wolf's length and a half behind her, keeping a respectable distance between herself and her packmate. Taking the silent indications in equal sounds Tala let herself make mental notes of where and what they were. You never knew when you would need such knowledge. Coming up to the lakes Tala let her amber gaze set itself upon the crisp horizon of water. She understood where the name came from now, it was clever, if not appropriate. The ears on her head swiveled as she heard a light ruffling, the scent of a small rodent carried in the breeze. Turning her head to watch Geneva Tala moved closer to the wolfess with silent steps. Tala followed suit and let her body lower to the ground until her belly was near the grass below her. Slowly moving towards the unsuspecting rodent Tala let herself branch out to the right, moving away from the body of water, she assumed if the creature did not go straight it would attempt to break away to the open in that direction. Her footsteps were near silent as she branched away from Geneva. The wolfess let hr body settle close to the ground, waiting for a movement of some kind. It was up to Geneva, if the elder of the two would make to first move and let things Pan out, or if Tala would and attempt to chase the critter right to her jaws. The area was silent, and the little creature had no idea what was coming for it.

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