Little Miss Tourist

626W. All good =)

Astryd didn’t really want to look up straight away, as though somehow those purple eyes held all the power in the world to bend her emotions. It wasn’t until Aura stepped closer and nuzzled her that she was snapped back into reality and took a deep breath feeling immediately overwhelmed in all her senses. What exactly had just happened? Astryd accepted the affection nuzzle with a small smile; almost drowning in the overwhelming ‘pretty’ smell of Aura. Why was it that she felt like this? It seemed that the way she felt wasn’t normal, so what was she to do?

Astryd heard Aura’s sniffles and despair flooded through her body stepping closer and shifting forms and intended to cuddle her in a more humanlike manner. She wanted to make it all ok. They both hurt, but Astryd could see that hurt was better when it was shared. She had learnt over time that even crying alone would sometimes ease the strain that bottled up inside. There was only so long that the façade of happiness and functionality could be held against a tidal wave of emotion.

Her mind raced in circles trying to make sense of what had just happened. So Aura didn’t want to be touched and now suddenly it’s ok to be touching each other now? Would Aura let her comfort her with her sniffles and emotions? It was always like this when something came up around Astryd, she wasn’t entirely sure what protocol reaction was. All she had was her gut, and her gut told her to help others, to make sure they were warm and comfortable and to try and get them to talk. She had learnt some of this from the crone. The crone had prodded and poked her for information and slowly forced Astryd’s memories to return.

It is in the memories of our past that partially designate who the individual becomes. It was Aura’s change in attitude that Astryd couldn’t understand. She didn’t understand how someone could go from rejecting to suddenly apologizing and caring. She couldn’t stay upset with Aura, after all Astryd wanted to make Aura feel better. She wanted to be part of the better. She wanted to cuddle her and keep her close to her in a way that was similar to how it was now. But Aura didn’t seem to like Astryd initiating it, maybe it was just she was shy.

Neither of the girls had, had much experience of affection recently. Astryd didn’t really know the meaning of having a stable and meaningful relationship with anything let alone another wolf. Would Aura teach her how to behave around others? Perhaps Auras rejection was just the harsh lesson she needed in social relation. No one had told her stand here, do this, do that, don’t do this. No one had told her not to follow what her body told her to do, but she was already working on struggling against her raging hormones and apparent misconception of the world around her.

”I could never, not forgive you Aura.” she said gently her tones honeyed with adoration. Perhaps it would get her into trouble but she just wanted to be happy and she wanted Aura to be as well. Astryd didn’t believe that the sniffles could be so easily driven off, it had happened too fast. Astryd believed that either Aura just had another characteristic change of personality or she was doing a good job of hiding her feelings.

Now in optime form, her trailed down to her back in grey-white lengths with feathers poking throughout bits. It trailed down over her shoulders to cover her chest quite modestly. Her Amber eyes now sought the deep amethyst that belonged only to Aura. What would happen now?

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