Into the sea

Finally, I whispered seductively! WC:372

Kesho Maisha

He took in her words slowly, since each seemed to be so precious that she wanted few to leak out. A slight smirk came across his face, and he shifted his weight a bit, quickly deciding to change into a seated position. She wanted a story; it might take a minute. Then again, he though, he didn't really have very many grand and glorious stories to tell. The original Mudbloods was simply a ruthless band of coyotes who wanted nothing more than to win all the time. And they had, to an extent. They were feared, that was sure. But their structure had been lacking. It was clear their modus operandi had changed, but there still existed some rotting skeleton of their past. Kesho glanced up at her, his fiery eyes flickering, wondering whether or not to mention all of this. She seemed to be a bit different than the others he'd met; her character and behavior harkened back to those founding days of the clan. Wondering briefly how she might feel, knowing that this place had once been quite different, and that they were never so tolerant as they seemed now. He wasn't bitter for it, truly. He couldn't be, where would that lead? But it was new, and it required acclimation.

"Well, now..." he paused, collecting his thoughts again. "Mudbloods was...different, back then. More likely, we were, to plan and attack without much regard for consequence. The blood lust was strong, and we were truly feared." His eyes blazed; his mind had been transported to the past. "We fought with the wolves frequently; there were a lot of small battles, that in the end caused great stress. For the most part, we had trouble coming together as a clan. They were shaky beginnings, with the worst intentions-- overthrow their wolven bretheren. Clearly, things have come together for the better lately." He said this with a very slight tone of bitterness in his voice. Kesho had always hoped that Mudbloods could survive the way it began. Looking back, though, it was quite the unruly bunch, but they sure wreaked plenty of havoc. "The clan's never been so tolerant as it is now, I'll say that." He added quickly, soon falling silent.

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