Waiting for hope
ooc: um. I'm sorry for my first post i just found out i was wrong with the season, I'll fix it with this one.

The cold weather felt good on his fur, rufling the white stripe down his back. He kept his head down and he began to hear someone begin to walk towards him. His great sense of smell and hearing was a great help to him, even though his eyesight was not perfect.

The grass was cold on his paws and the tower's leaves were very pretty, seeing the changes of color. The yellow leaves fallen on the ground as the orange leaves stayed up, until the very last green leaf turned color and they all fell to the ground. The grass was still the same color, besides that it was covered with small spots of frost.

Kyaime raised his head a little to see who was there, it was a girl. He kept his head lower then hers as he stood up to awnser her question. He didn't want to seem exictable about joining, but he wanted to show he was trying to join. "I am here to ask if I may join your pack."

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