Returning home -joining-

She waggged her tail mildly happy at the sight of the leader. She let out a relieved sigh and a grateful look at them both before perking her ears up at the question. She smiled before answering "Well I had gotten word that my brother was in a land nearby, so I went to look for him. His name is Vulcan, he looks much like my mother but he has eyes like mine. I have been traveling around with him for the last year, learning all kinds of things, some much less exciting than others. However, I learned that My sisters, Yiska and Zeru, have families of thier own as well as packs, though I still dont know where they are."

She placed her ears back slightly as she remembered her reason for return. "I became seperated from my brother over time, he setteled down in a land far south from here with a family of his own. I decided then that it was time to come back to my home. See whos all still here and what I cant do about making a life of my own."

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