Quote the Raven Nevermore

Sorry, wittle under the weather Tongue

Again he was bombarded by those same words, spoken in the same tone that had been spoken by someone a few months earlier. Children all the same, wanting to grow up and be the masters of the universe but without the understanding of what they are asking for. Shaking his head and laughing at the young boy’s request, he simply just picked up a few items and rearranged them as he looked for something he had misplaced earlier. Saluce wasn’t always so disorganized but he had never been good at organization anyways.

“You seek to learn how to protect your family; you seek an honorable path young wolf. But I warn you, all devils start out on a noble path, to protect, or to fight for others who cannot. Then the power or the addiction of their deeds twists them. What you seek to learn can either lead you on a path of righteousness or a path of darkness. Are you prepared for that?” he asked with a simple head turn toward him. To see him either squirm with his conscious or force the answer he thought he’d want to hear. It was never too hard to force the truth out of a child, stress them and they would soon show their true colors. It was then that his body started making strides toward Saul before he stood towering over him, his paw reached out asking for the dagger to inspect it.

“I will teach you but you must understand young one, as someone who’s seen their soul twist into darkness from the deeds he did, I am careful who I train in the art of war. I do not train wolves to play with their weapons, nor do I train them to use them to just injure, these are weapons of death and to seek the knowledge to use them… You must be prepared to kill.” He paused a moment before letting a smile creep across his lips. Before he simply just lead the child further into his shop, letting him see more of what he worked with. Weapons mostly but other contraptions sat around, big bronze and copper pots, small airship like models speaking of a distance age. The wonders that he held in his shop weren’t just only weapons, he collected and built working models of old technology that he had read about. In the back a small kettle with a fire underneath boiled water and that was used in steam engine fashion to power a lathe he used to work on turning wood into stocks or long spindles for staircases.

It was then he spoke once more, ever long winded he would offer him a place to hang out if he wished, maybe even learn the trade. “I will teach you, right now though I’m busy making preparations for summer, if you hang around then I can teach you when I have free time. Until then you can assist me in my shop if you like? I don’t always make weapons; the pack needs all kinds of metal contraptions and tools for their homes, gardens or whatever else they have a need for. Learning how to protect your family doesn’t always mean being a warrior yourself, sometimes arming or giving warriors the tools they need can be considered just as honorable.”

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