Waiting for hope
Kyaime's answer came easily, which was good. He did not hesitate to answer her questions. But she felt that she needed to know more about him before she could move further. "Those are both good qualities to have," Geneva said, thinking for a moment about how she could expand her knowledge of him. "What of your weaknesses?" the Whilom intoned curiously. It would be good to know more about a potential pack wizard.

Geneva considered him thoughtfully, her lime green eyes sliding over his face. She expected that he was being honest. Perhaps he would answer a few more questions. She felt that she needed to know him on a more personal level in order to truly discover his intentions and character. She felt that she was a decent judge of character, but she did not want to let her pack down by not being vigilant enough.

"Can you perhaps tell me more about your background? Where were you before now, and why do you wish to join a pack?" These seemed like valid enough questions. And they would also provide some insight into Kyaime. She felt positive about her interaction with him so far, but she wanted to be confident before she delivered a verdict.

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