follow the wind
ooc;; yaaaay glaiven! <3 its night time, silly! ^^

Green eyes were dark as they gazed up at the sparkling lights in the sky. He knew they were called stars- a lesson learnt early on from his mother, which was a novelty. He remembered almost nothing about his mother and laying belly-up in the grass right now he felt an ache in his belly that he didnt really understand. He hadn't known Abigail but he had known that she was his mother. His mind had blocked out most of that fateful day in the Halycon Mountains that had ended with his mother dying, but there were a few images that never left the young male. His grandmother launching herself at the dark mass that was Gideon, his terrible screams as his flesh was punctured. His mother wrenching her son away from those killing jaws and instead having them turned on her. He couldn't remember the moment his mother left them, but he could see in his mind his mother laying in a pool of her own blood, eyes glassy and lifeless. This was perhaps the only memory of Abigail he had and since Dreyrugr had returned home and left the Stormbringer brood here, he had no one to ask about her. The only other thing he could remember about her was when she had told him about the stars. He had spotted them one day and asked her why the fireflies weren't moving- for he had learnt just days before about fireflies. She had laughed softly and told him no, they were stars in the sky. She had told him that they were the spirits of all those lost to them. As Saul gazed skyward this evening, his eyes stung for the mother he never had, who ultimately skedaddled across these skies and watched over her children.

A deisturbance behind him almost made the young male flip onto his front and look around. But the tears that had sprung to his eyes were stinging and he didnt fancy letting anyone else know what was going through his mind right now. So he took a deep breath and bent his head backward to get an upside down view of the creature that came towards him. Pale grey fur clung to a curvasious body, soaking and saturated. Logical mind put two and two together and he guessed she had just exited from the moat. Although that in itself was a very odd thing to do. It wasn't quite summer yet but the air was becomgin frigid in the evenings and the lakes were frosting over in the mornings. This would be his first summer and even Saul knew that it was dangerous to get too cold. He was intrigued now and he allowed a small smile to race across his lips. A further inspection with his nose confirmed that this was a female and with a final blink of his green eyes, Saul flipped over onto his stomach. He was a handsome male and laying in the grass made him look cute. Her words made him chuckle softly, because he usually was okay. Just moments before, he had been crying about his dead mother, which was unlike him.

"I'm fine thank you... I was just looking at the stars! I'm Saul by the way. You must be cold- the water looks freezing!"

Saul wasn't usually the chatty one, but he liked the look of this female and he flashed her a cheeky grin to prove it. Tail flapping softly back and forward, Saul looked around to see if there was anything that would dry the female off. She would catch a cold if she didnt get the water off her fur soon. Being the worrier he was, Saul became more concerned when it turned out there wasn't anything there that could help. What a tricky predicament they were in!

word count;; 638

"speech" "speech"

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