drop the world
Big Grin

There was only so much that she could do in one day; she had been traveling over the mountain for what felt like forever, and it finally looked as if she would see the end of it. The female was eager to make it back to the safety of the woods; here she felt far too exposed, despite her coat color. Her pelt was as bright as the snow itself, helping her to blend in, jade eyes peeking out of long tufts of white fur. A strong wind swept over the frozen landscape, sweeping snow up into the air and swirling it about. Each of her footsteps was soon filled in behind her, this area of the mountain being more snow-swept than some of the others.

Naniko had left her son behind with Selene for now as she trekked ahead, scouting the territory to be sure that it was safe for the others to pass through. An odd scent on the breeze had caught her attention and she was determined to follow through and see who it was before she would go back and tell Selene and Zale that it was alright to come through with the pups. The wolf was large, peaking the top height for most luperci, but size wasn't everything. She wasn't much of a fighter.

The scent was getting stronger and stronger, and she could soon make out a dark figure through the fog and snow. Aha! There they were. She approached slowly, clearing her throat as she neared. "H'lo there." She held up her hand, trying to show that she was a fr/iend and not a foe. "Thought I smelled someone else out here."


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