Under my skin.

OOC here: Table & Coding © Noelle; 512 words

Ouija had only come upon the tail end of the chase, only being around long enough to see some other male dragging around a young deer. He had been about to head towards the lake that was out past the borders of the pack when he had heard the commotion and stilled. He stood from his place among the trees and watched. He had waited for the other male to dress and sit before finally making his presence known about. "So what was that all about?" He asked and motioned to what the other was wearing. He couldn't really complain about strangeness since he had this habit of dyeing himself. But he had never considered adding fur atop his own. But it wasn't like he dressed in anything anyways.

"I would suggest skinning it. That is unless you plan on eating the fur as well." He gave his suggestion with a shrug of his shoulders. After all it was the other's catch and it was up to him just what he wished to do with it. It wasn't like he could go and tell the other what to do. But the male did have a knife and was just staring at it. "I could help if you aren't certain how to go about it." Ouija did having something of a talent for it after all. He had created that satchel that he carried about with him, as well as the things that were carried around inside of it. "You will went to make the first cut on the belly, from the tail all the way down the center of the chin. Granted it is easiest to hang it by a hind leg to skin it." Hanging simply allowed for easier movement but it could easily be done on the ground as well.

"I'm Ouija. You stay in the pack as well?" It was a guess but he could be wrong. They were along the edge of the territory after all. For all he knew the other could just be passing through and simply needed a place to rest and where he could have a meal. Ouija wasn't used to that lifestyle himself. He had only lived in two places himself. And he had only left the first one because he had been destroyed. If not for that then he would still be living in New Brunswick. But he was starting to settle in this area. It was different than what he was used to but at least he wasn't judged for his differing beliefs. After all some of the things he did, as well as his dolls, could be considered to be quite strange and peculiar. But they were the things that he had grown up with. The things he had been taught from practically birth. It was all he knew. He couldn't break his beliefs just because he had changed locations. He just had to rework things to fit where he was now. He was the only practitioner here and so he had to do solo lessons rather than group ones.

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