Turn your face to the light
Davyn's plea was heartfelt; that much was evident. Geneva considered him carefully. She was silent for several moments before she finally answered him. "You may convalesce here tonight, and we may discuss this further in the morning." It was the best that she could offer him at the moment. She did not want to offer a virtual stranger admission into their midst, especially because she did not have adequate time to evaluate him overall. "I will be close by and shall return periodically. If you call for me, I will hear you and come."

Geneva nodded and then turned to leave him to rest. She was not the best or most skilled healer. She had nursed Bindu back to health in September, but her need had been more immediate. Davyn, although injured, seemed stable. She could not think of any way to help him, except to keep him warm, safe, and comfortable right now. She lingered for a moment before returning to her home.

The hours passed and trickled down to daybreak. Geneva returned and nosed her way into the door, her lime green eyes peering through the dawning light within the dark cabin. "Davyn?" she called quietly. She pushed the door open wider and carried something in her jaws. "I brought you something to eat," she said, bringing her offering and dropping it in front of him. It was a plump field mouse, a meager offering but she was not an accomplished huntress.

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