Was it bitter when you tossed and turned

This is sure to be interesting. WC: 322 {3 points}

Sepirah knew she could not take back what she said, but in her mind, she was right and the coyote woman was wrong. She was the better one here and she didn’t need to hear anymore of the crap she was getting. The dark princess could see the anger in the female’s eyes and wanted to get rid of her so bad. Well soon she wouldn’t have to because she would be leaving soon. The jackal gave her a snarl before leaving to head to the door. She turned around and bared her teeth.

Sepirah paused when she heard the female’s voice and folded her ears down in annoyance. Considering she said that the dark princess was no daughter of Samael, so that must have met this female had the same father. She snorted and tensed up her body. ”I may not be what father had wanted in a daughter, but at least I have more discipline and manners, which I’m sure this pack wants more. They don’t want a rude bitch running around.” She turned back to the door and began to head out. She paused one last moment, but kept her head turned back. ”Some sister you turned out to be” With that, the jackal walked out of the room and back into the foyer.

Sepirah was done and right now she just wanted to go back home and curl up in her den. She’d rather be near her grandmother than with her half sister. It probably would have been better if she never came back here again. The dark princess walked back out into the cold of the night and raced back home, unsure if the female would follow her or not. She was not afraid of her. If it all came down to it, the jackal would prove that she could be just as nasty as her half sister could. She strolled along, but cautiously just in case.

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