[M] this is a gift [p]

your avatar may be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Smile

Ezra never really enjoyed patrolling the borders. He never felt like he was allowed to, regardless of the fact that he was indeed a pack member and someone who was supposed to look out for the greater good of the Court. When this fellow came along, Ezra had no idea what to do. His mind was spinning at the thought of doing what Marika did to him –grill him until he was seen fit to join, and be accepted by Vigilante. Ezra was definitely not ready for that yet.

Ezra quickly realized that this outsider was not to be trusted. He was an immense, hulking figure that towered over the mutt. The boy instantly felt threatened by the other white beast with the craziest fur he had ever seen. It was clearly fake, but infuriated him regardless. Any werewolf was an enemy to the Rosen boy. He was never going to understand that group of wolves. They lost the essence of who they are, and when the werewolf whispered to Ezra, his blood ran cold. “Who the fuck are you? How dare you! Get the hell of my land,” Ezra snarled, furious and embarrassed.

Now that he had Ever to take care of, though, this stranger was right. He would never admit it, but his body was the reason there was always underlying tension between them. He was a wolf through and through, and would never admit to caring about werewolves. They had hurt him in the past and hung him out to dry. He was jaded against the creatures, despite loving Ever.

The stranger bent down in his terrifying form and motioned to touch Ezra. The boy saw red – there was no turning back now, his prejudices got the best of him. Sparkling white teeth bit into the others hand. It wasn’t meant to maim, it was just hisnatural reaction.

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