follow the wind
ooc;; I know <3

If Saul thought she was going to resist his attack, he was very much mistaken. He had expected to be met with resistence, the lock of her legs as she tried to keep them both upright. When she fell backwards without even an attempt at staying upright, Saul was shocked. Apparently she didnt react at all like he had expected, she was a bit of a wild card really. As they fell backwards Saul couldnt help the whine of apprehension as their combined body weight neared the river. He didnt fancy being as wet as she was, but the spray of water in his face and the underside of his legs and chest where he had pounced on her were already boardering soaking. The thing that didnt exactly bother Saul about the water was the fact that he had a bath every morning and he was already beginning to get used to the cold. Still, he had a place to go after all this, blankets to dry himself off on and a roof over his head to keep him warm. She didn't.

"Are you sure you want to go in again?"

He questioned in her ear, cold nose touching the warm inside of her nose before there was nothing left by the bank and the river. She landed first, having propelled herself backwards. He landed on top of her, front legs pining her to the floor. There was a moment where their momentum threatened to throw them both into the freezing water but Saul held on tight to her back with his paws. They came to a stop, but not before she ended up with her front end dangling over the side of the bank. He was the only thing that was keeping her from falling into the stream once more. A mischeivious grin slipped over his muzzle, the expression sliding into those green eyes as they connected with her gold ones. He could drop her in if he wanted to.

"Now where's my apology? For covering my face in water?"

His voice was low and gruff and he tugged softly on the fur around her neck. He loosened his grip on her back from across her ribs and she shifted slightly towards the water before he hardened his grip once more. Knowing he had the power to drop her was satisfying, even if he didnt know her all that well.

word count;; 401

"speech" "speech"

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