console me in my darkest hour

"I understand," he nodded, patient and quiet as always. The many thoughts that whirred within his mind—Xion's whereabouts, the collapse of Xeris's home and her personal well-being as a result, and how many other former Valley members wouldn't return to them that winter and risk starvation or death as a result—simply remained there, trapped within a cage to be mulled on for many more days on end. The Patriarch breathed, inhaling the cold air and closing his eye just briefly. Though washed with relief at both Rendall and Xeris's respective safe returns, he couldn't help but feel there was something more he could do for all the rest that were still gone. Ty and Skylar. DaVinci, Ryan. Miriette and her brother.

He pushed himself to his feet once more, sighed and shook his head. "You'll have to start over in the ranks again," he said, turning a dim green eye to her. "You left so suddenly, we..." A pause, then he straightened his shoulders and raised his head, charisma suddenly thick in his tone. "I need you to prove you're responsible enough not to let us down like that again."

A sigh once more, then he turned and motioned for her to follow with a flick of his head. "Come. Let's find your family."

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