i had to let them go
... This got a bit long. I'd been wanting to have a thread between these two, regardless.

http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj32 ... /arieb.png); background-position: bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding: 20px;">

He sat, partially hidden by the harsh and rocky landscape of the area, while watching the waves lap at the jagged shoreline. Ari didn't know how he felt. He felt mostly empty, but that was simply how he always felt. His mother had joked, once, that he hadn't been born with a complete soul. He felt as though she might have been true. If that was true, she might have been true of the other thing — how he had supposedly been cursed at birth. He knew that, in the realism of the world, the wildfires had nothing to do with him, but it still managed to make him feel guilty. There was always that sliver of a chance, and that sliver was worming its way into his mind in the guise of guilt. So, to avoid it, he simply voided his entire mind and let himself simply contemplate the waves and the ocean.

Seeing as how Nikolaos was having a fine time wandering around these new lands, and how his other friends were out looking around as well, Ari found himself wanting to be sedentary for a while. He was not a wanderer, and he was not a leader. He was duly a follower and a remainder. He would meet up with one of his friends or family at some time and see what would go on then but, for now, he found it contenting to sit here on this God-forsaken beach and dream of the beautiful beaches that he had once sat on in Bleeding Souls. Of course, that was before the smell of something foreign crowded his nostrils.

His ear perked, and he heard the harsh sounds of laughter. Who could be so mirthful at a time like this? Peeking over his narrow shoulder with a clear, blue eye, he spied a creature that, while much like a wolf, certainly wasn't one. Its features were narrower, its frame more wiry, and yet it seemed to have a feral gait that made him think one thing — coyote. Hot blood ran to his head as he remembered the talk of a coyote trying to attack Legacy, a girl who had meant nothing but good will towards him in his times of need earlier. His hands clenched involuntarily, and very much out of character. Ari had always thought himself to be a pacifist, but here he was, seconds away from dashing out and attacking the coyote for simply being.

If there were two neurons in his brain separating him from running out and swinging a punch, he only jumped one. Rolling to his feet, and making sure he didn't step on any of the sharp rocks underfoot, he turned sideways and looked at the coyote from afar. This kind of confrontation would end one of two ways — the coyote approaching, or the coyote leaving. Either way, Ari had his own actions planned out accordingly.


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