Working on the field-yard


Nayati didn't know everything that she had been through. He didn't know that she had been told that no wolf would want her. If he did know he would have immediately claimed that such a thought was completely preposterous. Even before he had realized that his feelings for the woman went deeper than friendship he had never viewed her as lower than himself. Liliana was a wonderful person through and through who had a beautiful spirit. A spirit that was displayed just as beautifully on the outside as it was on the inside. There was not a single flaw or shortcoming that he had ever seen in her, appearance or otherwise. Even if she would still be uncertain outside of their relationship, he wanted her to know that she had no reason to feel inadequate in his eyes. Such a thing was impossible.

Her hand moved to come up and hold his. His hand left her chin and their fingers intertwined. The man's heart thudded in his chest. He wanted to ask her to come and stay with him tonight, but the words would not pass his lips. His intention was mostly pure, but it was not right for an unmated pair to sleep together, even if nothing physical happened. Nayati's feelings for her were growing with every moment that passed though, and he knew that soon he would want to ask her the question that would change the course of both their lives. First though, he wanted to talk to Dawali. The chief was the closest thing to a father that he had here and he wanted the man's advice.

Reluctantly a sigh left his lungs and he squeezed Liliana's hand. "We should probably get back to work." By his voice it was clear that he did not want to part from her. "After we are finished though, perhaps we can take a walk?" A stroll through the lands with her seemed to him the perfect way to spend the evening.

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