Warrior's Glory

Hybrid rolled his eyes when he saw the girl begin to toy with her catch, flinging it around and throwing it in the air before catching it. Such behaviour was ridiculous and useless – even engaging in such a dishonourable display made Hybrid think she was an even lesser cretin than most females. And considering she looked nothing like a coyote, he wouldn’t be surprised if she was some motley mutt of many families. Hybrid had crafted a bit of knowledge for himself. While little had scientific basis, Hybrid was still unsure of the meaning of ‘scientific,’ so he wasn’t too bothered by it at all.

She introduced herself and Hybrid replied with a low rumbling sound, akin to a growl if it were with malice. However, it had none – it was simply a warning to her and a greeting all the same. He recoiled slightly when she offered the hare to him, the animal she’d toyed with so childishly before consuming it.

“No,” he replied coldly. “I kill to eat, not to play with it like some pup,” he added with a sneer. Maybe it was childish of him too, but he thought he was just being prideful. There was no way he would touch it after she'd flung it in the air like it was some toy. That was just ridiculous.


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