What a great day

+5 OOC: I love your writing so much gives me mucho muse!!!

As if he was summoning someone, one of the members of his pack came along, humming to the tune he was playing, vocalizing it in her own way, though she knew nothing of the song for he had made it up, she was still able to get it well enough. It made him proud to be the leader here. Especially when there were voices like Sky’s around. She leaned on the finished work he’d just made sure was sturdy and spoke. He couldn’t help as he pulled the flute from his mouth. It seemed that the visit to see Tsuki would be put on hold.

Ah yes I’m like that, I can’t help but pull in the attention of those willing to listen.

He said, yes it was boastful, but he was allowed to have a little pride now and again. He was the leader after all right? That thought made him feel that he should have less pride then, but he wasn’t too worried about it, he would just work with things as they went along, he was not an egotistical wolf at all, on the contrary he just pretended to be, he thought little of himself, most of his pride was more acting than anything else, but he was able to fool just about anyone with that act.

And it is a good morning indeed Sky, actually I think it’s a great morning, just one more project finished before the winter sets in.

He patted the staircase, yes he’d been up early, he didn’t sleep as much as he would normally, there were no nightmares in his dreams, though some would say he had them as he still remembered the day he was kicked from his first pack, it had troubled him now and again, but since he was the leader now, that dream rarely came and it hadn’t come this time around, Shaw just did not feel that sleep wanted to come that night.

Why thank you, it means a lot coming from the mouth of such a beautiful singer such as yourself, I try to put in at least some work around here… as for who’s this place is, well she doesn’t have an owner yet, but she’s quite ready for one now.

He said, he didn’t know where Sky lived herself now, he had his own place, though it was outside the village… it made him wonder if he should have built it within the limits. He was not a wolf who could have the houses here as he was so tall, they couldn’t accommodate for his size.

I’ve helped fix up quite a few of these homes, though the stone houses are much harder, they were more sturdier so needed less of a fix up, but I love working with wood. I guess that’s why it’s more easy for me… and look at me mumbling away, you must have had an earful.

He said feeling like he really was giving the poor woman an earful, but she did start it by telling him his workmanship was good, he just had to learn when the right time to stop talking was.

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