[M] Stubborn

Well damn; gonna have to add a warning to Noss's first post now >.> Beware the ups-and-downs that formulate Noss >Big Grin

Noss narrowed his eyes as his face inched closer to the other man's. "I could kidnap you, you know," he said without much enthusiasm or 'oomf'; it was merely fact. He could easily lift this other man up and take him with him, making Strel tell him which way was west (because Noss's direction was so bad, not even the sun could lead him straight sometimes). "I could just take you with me by force. But..." pausing, the warrior was affected by Strel's pouting face, of all things. Earlier conflictions all accumulated into that single, primal urge that all wolves had and that no control could curb. It's not as if I'm the only one, he mused, noting Strel's earlier hints. He seems to have stopped dropping them, but... Would he count the boon I owe him if I...?

With half-hooded lids the rough beheamoth of a wolf leaned in ever-so-slightly-more closer to Strel's head and breathed in, just to get a good whiff of his scent. This stranger was turning Noss's entire demeanor every which way; pulling Noss into the roller-coaster-like pace that Strel had displayed. He smells like the sea and sand, he thought, closing his eyes. "Kidnapping and--" he had almost said 'one-night-stands-with-strangers'--another 'not' that was seemingly being worn away by the land itself--but thought better of it, instead ommitting that part. "Kidnapping isn't exactly my thing. So I guess I'll just have to follow you back like a stalker. And maybe...I could repay that favor there... Or here," he said while licking his lips, inwardly groaning at the fact that he had just resigned himself to an extended stay, perhaps, and a detour away from his mission. ...This is some sort of karma, isn't it? he asked the moon and himself. Karma for that run-in on that bad flower place... Streadily, he was caring less and less for the 'sense of things' that went on around him as Strel's scent invaded his reason, causing Noss's hand to cinch upward and bursh a patch of fur on the side of the redhead's face, fascinated for an unfathomable reason other than its color. Why him? Why is his scent so...different? Such a description was all there was. It enticed Noss unlike any other scent, beyond reasonable explanation. Their conversation had shown Noss that they were both compatable and incompatable... So why am I treating him differently than any other stranger?

Secretly...unknown to even Noss himself...if they were under less stressing circumstances...Noss wouldn't have minded oweing the redhead over and over again.

Warrior walks. "Warrior talks." Warrior thinks.

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