Look to the past, tell me what you see

Rendall smiled at the males comment, though no male had dared approached her before as anything close to romantic much less flirtatious. The girl still blushed slightly at his words as she sat down next to him. It comforted her knowing that she was not the only one troubled by her memories, and she sympothized the wolf for sharing in her pain. However it did peek her intrest that he knew she traveled, she cocked her head a little at his words but figured it took a traveler to know one. She shrugged the uncomfortableness happily away. Over the year of her absence she became accostome to welcoming a strangers company and words.

However, his next question caught her off guard. To remember what her beloved Vally was like even before she left? "Huh..." Ren tilted her head down and recalled all that this place had been to her growing up. "Well, the air itself around here is still the same welcoming peacefulness as its always been. When I first arrived it was summer and I had spent six months of my life here with a family of misfits much like myself. But if you think about it, this whole clan are misfits. The leader, Jefferson, hes always been the grumpy old man with the kind heart to me, and Geneva, his mate and second in command so to speak, shes his opposite, shes really nice." The wolfess chuckled and wagged her tail, she would probably have her ear bitten off by Jefferson if he ever found out what she said about him.

And then she recalled all the faces she had come to love."Then....theres the ones that practically raised me, the first one I met who ended up being my mentor and practically my father was Pendzez, hes still here but I havent gotten a chance to visit with him on my return. The next one, his mate now, though I heard she left the clan a few weeks back was Xeris, she was a very kind hearted wolfess that practically became my mother when I most needed one. And then theres Ty, he was like my big brother, he taught me all there was to being a pup, and he had the most beautiful eyes. multicolored. But he left the Vally too. Finally theres Anya, she was my gentle-hearted big sister who knew herbs like the back of her paw. We had always hoped her an Ty would mate but I guess shes disapeared too. She was the one I acctually lived with when the wolf that took me in, DaVinci left." Her heart dampened at the memories of those who were long gone. She hoped to see them again some day. Rendall turned back to the male and smiled. "This place is a good place to start fresh. No matter what your past, you can always find peace here."

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