excuse me while i self-destruct
Big Grin <3 Thanks for starting! This post is awful.

When was the last time he had ventured into the human territories? The summer, he recalled, had been spent going about his business in Phoenix Valley; his position as head of the pack controlled work and leisure time alike, and only when the brute felt especially sly or stressed did he sneak from the packlands and venture as far as he could manage. With the winter months already underway, the brute's aging bones disallowed much travel through the chilled snow and wind, thus Jefferson took what opportunities he had left to get away. Soon enough, his only hideaway would be the main room of the ranch, before the fire—and despite indoors, he was vulnerable for his members to find him.

Fuck, he hated winter.

He had hardly "bundled up" for the small trek back into the bigger human civilizations, but despite the creak and ache of his bones the idiot hastened on two-legged; his useless arm in his sling, of course, provided a layer of extra warmth strapped across his chest. As he moved, Jefferson recalled the Cour des Miracles girl he had met, the dog-looking thing with the kind eyes and hands. She'd been troubled at the time and afraid of him, yet unlike most she'd reached out to the creature's handicap. He had not forgotten her—in fact, he hoped to see her again. Perhaps that was why he had ventured out—it would be another long winter of groaning bones and muscles if he took no herbal remedies she could possibly provide him.

He used the outing as an excuse to seek more reading material to last him the winter months before the fire, where he commonly struggled to educate himself in reading and just as commonly failed to do so. Geneva was apt at both reading and writing, but the idiot proved a lost cause—he wasn't young, but he was stubborn. Into one of the creaking buildings he swept to escape the cold and through its hallways he wandered, aimless and numb. He heard sounds though vague and subtle and followed them, optimistic to somehow stumble upon Alaine again. He couldn't possibly go back to Cour des Miracles, not with his argumentative son stalking the borders. He did not find her, however, but as he drew closer recognized the crackling, gurgling sounds of a shifting Luperci. Upon entering the room, green eye fell upon a male even older than he—who, for whatever reason, immediately reminded him of Laruku.

The coyote reeked of Inferni, but the Patriarch hardly feared him. Very rarely did Jefferson have youth on his side, but the brute didn't recognize the stranger—who looked, for whatever reason, stunned and uncomfortable in his own skin—as a threat. "Not much of a shifter?" the cyclops said flatly, hardly an introduction. He didn't plan to linger, but his eye breezed past to fall upon shelves of books, where the scarred man harmlessly drifted. "I like it," Jefferson added over his shoulder, pulling a book down with his only free hand.

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