Look to the past, tell me what you see
As he came out of his daze, Davyn felt a gentle hand stroking the fur along his jaw. When he opened his eyes completely, he pulled back abruptly from Rendall's paw, slamming his head against the trunk of the tree, frantic to get away from her caring touch. Her close proximity caused him to blush profusely. It was clear that Davyn was not entirely accustomed to touch; panic attacks would strike suddenly and violently if he were placed in a crowded situation.

"I beg pardon, my lady. I do not mean to offend...I thank you very much for your concern. I am afraid that I was overcome for a bit by my past...nothing to worry about now."

He shook his head to clear the images away, then turned to the lovely lady in front of him. "Please, milady. Tell me about your travels? How does such a lady as you end up traveling and suffering hardships that have made such pretty blue eyes so sad?"

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