the space between
To live. What was it to live? Was it more than just breathing and more than just waking up every morning and going to sleep every night. Life was an endless routine of wanting and pursuing and chasing after what you wanted, so when you wanted nothing... or convinced yourself that you wanted nothing, then there lay the nihlist because nothing mattered. Most of the time, he had honestly come to believe that there was nothing that he wanted (liar, he'd been called before). Other times, he simply cowered in his corner, afraid of chasing anything down because it would turn around and bite him back and tear him apart from the inside. The air around them was cold and Ahren's hand was warm. Laruku wanted to disappear into that warmth.

How? The hybrid would not be the first to admit anything this time, could not, perhaps because the thoughts in his head had yet to settle yet. He knew he cared about Ahren; they had a lot of history together and the blonde, even now, had been his only friend for a very, very long time. But beyond that? SURROGATE, cried the cackling laugh, nothing but a replacement for someone that was long gone because coincidence made it too easy and his heart was chained in the past. He couldn't tell the feelings apart anymore and couldn't trust himself to even try. He was a liar so he just didn't say anything at all.


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