But I'm Too Young To Worry

She hadn't met many D'Angelos before. Many had left the pack just after her birth, her own mother and father leaving her behind as they went to seek out new territory. Selene had been lucky to have been born with them and stay with them, at least for a little while. Naniko had instead gone into the care of the crazy wolf Iskata. Their relationship had ended with the female trying to kill her.

"My mother was a whore?" He'd just met her and now he was insulting her? "She took off when I was barely able to talk, so I wouldn't know. But let me tell you...I'm as much a D'Angelo as you are...If...you are one. I don't even know who you are." Naniko said. She wondered why he'd taken the time out of his day for this discussion. He had to be getting some amusement from it...why bother, otherwise? "But I'd watch my step later on if I were you. This area will soon be claimed by the pack that I'm forming. You may find yourself homeless sooner rather than later."


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