
Your reply was beautiful Big Grin

Her soles eventually settled against the soft, yet solid sands continuously caressed by water seasoned with salt. Maroon gaze remained turned to the west, as if Dahlian figures could appear in the distance if she did not keep an eye on the reserved lands. A memory flared momentarily before returning to the darkness where it belonged—but it got her thinking. Was her half-sibling buried there, in the lands of the wolves? Did the metal still rest within a hollow skull filled with dirt and worms? The woman shifted slightly at this, tail consisting of rich, dark copper colour moving against the silky texture of silk portraying a dragon.

Eventually, her gaze shifted as well. It was important to remain alert of her proximity, as enemies could approach from all directions. Amongst the earthen colours movement was direction, wearing similar shades proving to be hard to spot. Ruby narrowed instantly, for suspicion was her dearest friend and lifesaver. Slinking away was not an option to the proud Lykoi canine, and therefore she remained, though she allowed her frame to turn fully to the approaching stranger. There was no doubt that he had seen her, for his pace seemed dedicated, though not aggressive as he approached.

There was no need to prepare for possible outcomes of this scene, for she believed in herself and her abilities. The katana had become a natural part of her long ago and would appear in her hands within the second if she decided assistance was required. His words were carried by a deep, masculine voice. She was a child of both worlds, but her size was that of a coyote in its optime, and his surpassed her greatly. Had he been a clan member she would have associated his size with safety, but it only spoke of strength and danger now. Knees bended ever so slightly, though her stance remained relaxed. Just with a touch of caution, that was all.

How could a mere stranger feel concern for another? The mere idea made a patronizing smile enter her empty lips. She recalled the unpleasant meeting with the canines on recently claimed soil, and therefore her attitude remained racist, more or less. She had attempted to give them a chance, but the larger canines continued to believe that they owned this earth. Really?” Her tone suggested that she had her doubts about this.

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