Final call!
-grin- you probably do ^^

Between the roar of the fire and the language barrier between them, the tan male's words were completely lost on Giuseppe. Body language conquered where speech failed, however, and the two of them were soon making their way through the burning undergrowth. For a while, it was all the grayscale were could do to keep in the shadow of the other male and his unconscious companion. He coughed violently, and with each bout of coughing he stumbled. Fortunately, he never fell -- here, that could be deadly -- but the going was slow enough.

After a while, either the smoke lessened or his lungs hardened because he soon coughed less frequently and stumbled hardly at all. At this point, he felt obligated to ask "Lei deve aiutare il trasporto lui?" He gestured to the unconscious wolf sprawled across the taller male's back, in case the words were lost again. Giuseppe was shorter indeed, but his shoulders were broad and his body hard from the physically active lifestyle most luperci were obliged to lead. He figured that the other would not lightly give up his burden, but he also knew that both of their strengths would last longer if they shared the weight between them. The ground was beginning to rise steeply beneath their feet, and the incline was beginning to alarm him. From here on out, the terrain was likely to only get rougher.


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