He said he had a story

yaaay itachi

There was no father figure within Enkiel’s life. Samael had done little more than sire him and his siblings. Their mother had raised them and taught them the truth of their heritage, and Enkiel believed this utterly. It was the only thing that made up for the failure of a father and spineless dam that were his parents. Neither of them carried any value to him anymore. He had learned quickly to recognize power, and knew where it stood.

His uncle was the key to power. Enkiel did not himself desire to rule—he had no desire for weak fools to throw themselves at him—but he knew his place. He was meant to stand at the right hand of those who were born to lead. It was not by providence that he should wear a crown. Only a divine hand could determine the destiny of such great men. Enkiel was born to support his king and he intended to do so well.

He was traveling in his Optime form, a small and lithe boy with a crop of jet black hair. The large satchel hanging from his shoulder rested easily against his hip, the strap cutting across his chest carrying the bulk of the weight. Winter would destroy most of the wild crops he needed, and he had been gathering them feverishly. He was returning from one such expedition when the duo appeared further down the worn path. Enkiel recognized the woman by sight, but not the boy—yet there was little doubt he was her son. Though not a terribly social creature by nature, he knew better than to ignore them. “Hello,” he called out, slowing his speed to greet them.

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