A Visit

OOC Pfft, no worries! (5 points)

These streets were eerie at this time of night. Although night time never really bothered the Takekuro girl, nor did human things, sometimes the mixture of the two and the sense of abandonment many of these old towns carried was minutely upsetting. Orin simply felt sorry for the old buildings. Sure, the Luperci were here now to continue life in these places that had once been built with so much promise, erected upon people’s dreams, but there were not enough werewolves yet who appreciated the old structures to bring any semblance of life back into this place.

It was the rhythmic sound of Vox’s hooves clopping on the road that brought her out of her reverie. Lunenburg was so still at night that the horse’s steps reverberated off the walls, and by the time the noise reached her it sounded like it could have been made by a giant. She shivered, though tonight was not a night her imagination would get the best of her. Horses were vastly popular in Cour des Miracles, and it was probably just one of her old pack mates out for a nighttime ride.

She peered down the street through the darkness and it was not long until she deciphered the silhouette. Horse and rider undistinguishable as they first appeared as one shadowed blob, but as Vox moved closer they began to take form. Another soft breeze played at her back and rustled her thickening coat, carrying her scent to Mars. The other would know who she was before she could make him out.

Though it did not take long for Orin to suppose who it was that came down that street, and she saw that she had been correct in her assumption as Vox came before her, Mars Russo perched on his back. A pleased grin crossed the woman’s face and her tail twitched to echo her delight.

“Mars! I was just thinking about you.” What a strange world this was, indeed. What was the likelihood that she would be meandering down the Court streets weeks after she had left the pack, thinking about the friend she had made in this place, and then bam, there he was.

She played with the thick ruff of fur that was filling in around her shoulders and chest for the winter as she gave him a nod. “Yes, how’d you know?” The question was silly, he had just said he detected it in her scent. “I moved on a couple weeks ago. I’m just back to see Niro, but he doesn’t seem to be at any of his old haunts.” She sighed, a touch of sadness in her voice. “The move has been wonderful for me, but at the same time, it’s hard to leave the first place I ever really called home. I get sick for Niro. But it is really an amazing place - this new pack called Cercatori D’Arte.”

Her eyes trailed over Mars’s parti-colored form and there was a soft, barely detectable change in her expression. It was good to see him, and after walking all alone through Cour des Miracles on her one day to visit, she was happy that she finally found one of her old friends.

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