A Book of Secrets
Tables. A thank you to all who made them.

From James :
ooc talk

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac vestibulum augue. Ut tortor tellus, tincidunt in venenatis eget, eleifend in ante. Etiam blandit porta dui, a faucibus enim fringilla at. Aliquam viverra consectetur consectetur. Sed commodo ipsum sit amet arcu placerat consequat. Donec ut vulputate sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis eget lorem non magna cursus placerat quis nec libero. Fusce tempor commodo massa in ornare. Vestibulum mi mi, viverra eu cursus nec, scelerisque ac leo. Etiam fermentum varius dignissim. Integer a erat velit. Morbi vulputate arcu sed est volutpat pulvinar. Duis vitae posuere orci. Cras in elit tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

In sollicitudin auctor sapien. Fusce vehicula orci vitae orci tempor sit amet ultricies nunc ultrices. Pellentesque vitae sodales lacus. Suspendisse velit odio, fermentum a aliquet sed, venenatis sit amet nunc. Nulla lacus lorem, varius ut luctus rhoncus, viverra ultricies mauris. Suspendisse sodales ipsum id purus aliquet hendrerit. Cras nunc odio, convallis quis feugiat non, vehicula eu risus. Integer accumsan vulputate urna, placerat eleifend nisi feugiat at. In ut dui tortor, sed gravida metus. Quisque sit amet lectus lorem.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi pharetra eleifend dui eget laoreet. Nulla imperdiet molestie auctor. In congue molestie justo in mattis. Vestibulum commodo aliquam dui at tempor. Phasellus dictum tincidunt purus ut venenatis. Nunc mollis dolor ut sem vehicula venenatis. Suspendisse pulvinar, nisl sit amet fringilla lobortis, orci odio consequat augue, eget faucibus est turpis vulputate turpis. Donec a lectus massa, sit amet luctus ante. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi elementum laoreet quam, sit amet vulputate mi interdum id. Vestibulum vitae sapien massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. "speech"


3+ Sorry for the wait.

Guessing by the look of confusion on Addison's face, it seemed quite apparent that being related to the leader here wasn't as a big of a deal as it was when she still had her pack. Back then it had been almost sanctity to be related to the alpha. She felt almost bad for reacting the way she did. This place seemed so much more relaxed, more peaceful. She could get used to such a society. "I'm sorry, I'm not used to this mentality. My pack was far different, and it was a long time ago." Tala did not want Addison to think of her as stuck up or anything like that, she was just showing some of the values her mother and father had raised her on. Respect was key.

Tala listened to the 'offer' she was given by Addison and her eyes perked up slightly in near awe, was she being serious about that? Smelling the air she did pick up hints of other canines nearby, one in particular seemed more prominent than the others. "That's very kind of you, Addison. I appreciate such kindness greatly. Are you sure it's not to much of me to ask? And likewise to you, you seem very kind." The wolf almost let out a nearly goofy smile as she looked up at the Luperci. Tala still had yet to change from her Lupus form.

Treading deeper into the territory Tala was sure to keep a watchful eye on landmarks and surroundings, if she were truly become part of this pack she would need to, if not souly for herself, get a feeling for the land she would call home. If everyone was similar to Addison here, she might just like it here.


Made Myself:


Time Goes Faster

Tala couldn't help but laugh lightly, sure, people were different depending on where they came from but the atmosphere of her birthplace and here... it was like North and South. As the two walked puffs of breathe escaped through her nose, though once she spoke larger ones consumed the smaller ventilations from her nose. To tell the truth Tala couldn't pick up on ll to many individual scents. It was either he pack was small or territory they lived on was massive. It could be a combination of them both as well. It seemed almost likely the third option was the most likely.

What she could do for the pack? She had not thought about that question for a long time, sure it lingered in her head for when she did find one, but following through with it was more than a thought. Tala already knew what she wanted to do, but if it was necessary was another question. Scouting, it was something she was used to, testing if an area was inhabited, always wary for unusual scents. It was almost like second nature."That's perfectly fine. Freeloaders go nowhere. Though I would not lie, I'm not exactly the strongest beast around. Genetics hit me hard there. However what I lack in muscle I make up for in speed. I can both hunt and scout, whichever is necessary and deemed appropriate." The female laughed, she was not requesting, just notifying of her talents.

When she was alone Tala had spent most of her time knowing where the things around her were and who or what they were. Familiarizing herself with things was nearly a hobby.

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By Nuki:

Out Of Character: Hiiiiii ^_^

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ut ipsum ut sem posuere adipiscing. Proin aliquam lectus diam, id dictum nunc. Maecenas in augue tortor, sed viverra libero. “Morbi urna eros,” facilisis id malesuada a, auctor eget est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut neque nulla, dignissim ut viverra ac, vehicula vitae neque. Aenean vel libero a nibh luctus volutpat et sed ligula.

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By Sie:

OOC here! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rhoncus, erat at egestas congue,

leo felis ultricies sapien, quis pretium mi nibh nec erat.

Word Count → 000

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rhoncus, erat at egestas congue, leo felis ultricies

sapien, quis pretium mi nibh nec erat. Nullam a venenatis risus. Vestibulum fermentum ultrices semper. “Donec

pellentesque condimentum pretium.”
Cras ante nulla, interdum id volutpat et, lacinia sed augue. Aenean vitae

libero sed quam ultricies facilisis ac quis velit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rhoncus, erat at egestas congue, leo felis ultricies

sapien, quis pretium mi nibh nec erat. Nullam a venenatis risus. Vestibulum fermentum ultrices semper. “Donec

pellentesque condimentum pretium.”
Cras ante nulla, interdum id volutpat et, lacinia sed augue. Aenean vitae

libero sed quam ultricies facilisis ac quis velit.

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padding:10px 0px 210px 0px; }
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OOC here!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rhoncus, erat at egestas congue, leo felis ultricies sapien, quis pretium mi nibh nec erat. Nullam a venenatis risus. Vestibulum fermentum ultrices semper. “Donec pellentesque condimentum pretium.” Cras ante nulla, interdum id volutpat et, lacinia sed augue. Aenean vitae libero sed quam ultricies facilisis ac quis velit.

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By Shannon:


OOC here!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rhoncus, erat at egestas congue, leo felis ultricies sapien, quis pretium mi nibh nec erat. Nullam a venenatis risus. Vestibulum fermentum ultrices semper. “Donec pellentesque condimentum pretium.”

Cras ante nulla, interdum id volutpat et, lacinia sed augue. Aenean vitae libero sed quam ultricies facilisis ac quis velit. Pellentesque pulvinar, felis et porttitor auctor, odio augue auctor nisi, vitae ultrices enim felis tincidunt augue. Morbi arcu dui, tempus sit amet vehicula id, tincidunt sed elit. Maecenas ornare, arcu eu volutpat egestas, justo arcu aliquet urna, bibendum auctor sapien orci eget nunc

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Out of Character

ooc text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

In Character

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis congue nisi ut nunc adipiscing eget vulputate quam mollis. Aliquam a urna vel nibh euismod scelerisque vitae in nisl. Maecenas ac est tortor, ac sollicitudin odio. Nunc bibendum iaculis ultrices. Nulla at felis non velit egestas imperdiet. Maecenas ultrices dapibus libero facilisis placerat.

“Vivamus eu ante sed massa rutrum tincidunt.” Nulla fermentum interdum ante sed cursus. Donec et massa eget erat interdum pharetra quis id eros. Praesent in leo ut magna vulputate blandit quis non eros. Fusce ultricies, justo quis bibendum scelerisque, leo metus condimentum leo, nec consequat metus ante in elit. Curabitur quam odio, auctor nec ultrices et, mattis a augue. Curabitur id enim id orci mollis luctus. Duis id velit ac nulla cursus ornare sit amet quis turpis.

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By Silver:


out of character text

Geneva's call had settled amongst the packlands and Tala knew without a doubt what it had signified. A meeting of the pack, though this would be the first she was attending since her joining the Valley Pack's ranks, she knew it was just as important whether it would be her first, her eighth or her last. The female had been at home when she had heard the summoning, so the trek to where she recognized the graveyard was her destination.

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From Noelle:


OOC here. This is for Tala!

Test test test.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec rhoncus, erat at egestas congue, leo felis ultricies sapien, quis pretium mi nibh nec erat. Nullam a venenatis risus. Vestibulum fermentum ultrices semper. “Donec pellentesque condimentum pretium.” Cras ante nulla, interdum id volutpat et, lacinia sed augue. Aenean vitae libero sed quam ultricies facilisis ac quis velit.

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