Taking Stock

OOC Muahaaaa!! Don't have time to proof read so sorry if there are some funktacular mistakes, must run to school. Enjoy the chaos! =D (3 points)

Something was wrong here! One of her senses screamed at her but Orin was famous for ignoring her nose. The excitement of exploration coursed through her veins and she was determined to trudge forth in the face of all odds. She sauntered up to the cracked door, peering into the shop. There were shadows inside, tall, long shadows that were distorted with cobwebs and dust. She narrowed her eyes – it was obvious these were shelves inside the store, but in this light and under that dust, they could have stored anything.

Orin placed a hand on the wooden door and pushed, and to her surprise the door swung free on its old hinges. So someone had been by here once and even went so far as to free the threshold and loosen the door hinge, but, judging by the undisturbed filth, it still did not look like anyone had entered this shop. Maybe whatever was inside held no value for whomever had crossed by before and they moved on without entering.

Gosh, what is that garlicky smell?

The woman took a step inside, feeling Shawchert’s presence behind her, her fingers still entwined within his. She was about to take another step forward when she hear a faint scratching noise. She gave Shawchert a puzzled look, and when she turned back around a little critter had appeared only a few feet away from her. It was a small little quadruped thing with a pointy nose, and it peered at them with little coal eyes. Orin beamed at the creature.

It wasn’t a cat, she had seen plenty of cats in Florida (though as a prime food source, the alley cat population was dwindling in the slums), this animal was too wide and stout to be a housecat. And it had fascinating markings! Long, deep, ebony fur with two stark white stripes running down the length of it’s back, ending at the tip of a long, flat tail.

“Aww,” Orin crooned and knelt down to the creature’s level, reaching a hand out to the little animal in an attempt to coax it over to her. “Aren’t you just soooo cute! Oh look Shawchert, books!” Momentarily distracted by the sighting of the hardbacks on the shelves, Orin failed to notice the creature as it began to swivel around and lift it’s tail. . .

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