head trauma

He jumped, his body as a whole jolting in alarm from the sound. All in one movement, a snarl ripped from his throat and he spun on his heel, claws and jowls alike prying menacingly at the air; blaring green eye fell upon her and time froze as such. Slowly he relaxed, his shoulders falling and brow furrowing. With a deep breath, the Patriarch calmed himself and slipped his bad arm into its sling once more, then reached his second hand to rub forcefully at his temples, grumbling beneath his breath all the while. The monster in his scars was a monster even within, exposed only when needed.

"Alaine," he sighed, arm dropping loosely to his side as he turned away once more. "Sorry, you... You scared the hell out of me." Once lost to his thoughts, breaking the Patriarch back into reality was an easy task, but at high risk. Even despite Phoenix Valley's easygoing, peaceful demeanor, the beast within him had not been tamed. His instincts and reflexed went unchanged since the day he woke with one eye and no memories. What had he even been thinking of, before she'd startled him? The mist in his mind rose; he recalled that he had wandered sometime earlier in the week hoping to see her, but chosen not to dwell in the coincidence.

She had arrived silently and, he guessed, was trying to sneak away unnoticed as well. Was he that intimidating? "Don't let me stop you," the idiot muttered over his shoulder, striding away through the headstones. What was he even looking for here?

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