Lazy Day
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Thank you! Sorry it took me awhile to post. x3 Thanksgiving weekend, ya know. By the way, what are the points for? {WC: 423}

Pepper padded sulkily through the wet. The rain had let up for now but the world still seemed soggy. Nearly every leaf had fallen from every tree and still the snow would not come. The dead, soaking leaves stuck to Pepper's paws as she padded around the edge of the wood. The young wolf shook the rain drops from her fur and gave a little shiver. She would much rather be caked in snow than covered in rain drops. She gave another little shiver, sneezed, and peered around, her instincts readying her for the hunt.

It had been days and days since Pepper had enjoyed a little hunt for rabbits or squirrels. She also enjoyed tracking larger animals but always kept her distance when she hunted alone. She was young, but she wasn't (that) stupid. Now Pepper wondered where she would begin today's hunt.

"The river is always an easy place," Pepper thought to herself. "There's always game near water." Pepper nosed the damp ground, sneezed again, and bounded off, the scent of a rabbit clinging to her snout. She trotted, nose to the ground, closer to the rabbit and closer to the scent of water. She could smell it before she heard the babbling of the brook. The scent of the rabbit veered off to the right but Pepper caught another scent. This time it was of another wolf. Though it had that off color feel to it that she had come to associate with Luperci. Pepper stopped, debating whether to continue after the rabbit or meet the other wolf. The Luperci were so intimidating when they towered over Pepper. She wished they would at least try to stay in their natural form; they were so strange and they looked as wrong as they smelled. Like the creature called Man the young wolf had heard about as a pup. She shivered. Man still sounded very frightening even as a grown pup.

But on the other hand, Pepper really needed to meet new canines and start building friendships. Otherwise she would be lonely for a good, long time. The young wolf took a deep breath and headed in the direction of the Luperci smell.

Pepper saw the Luperci by the river, dipping a string into the water. The pup cocked her head to the side, confused. Why was she scaring all the fish away with a string? Pepper inched closer, not wanting to scare away any more fish or the luperci herself.

"Why are you scaring away all the fish?" Pepper asked honestly.


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