he believed in forgiveness
Geneva stared at him coolly, swallowing whatever is convoluted mind had churned up and sent flying out of his mouth. Before, Geneva might have felt enraged to hear such accusations coming from it. It still certainly hurt her to hear them; however, she had been with Jefferson long enough to learn the way he operated. Jefferson always looked to the dark side of anything first, searching for flaws, especially when an issue involved him personally. She acknowledged this with a bit of bitterness; this aspect of his personality was still hard to swallow. But she had to take this with a grain of salt, because the other qualities that he possessed eclipsed this perpetually doubting part.

Taking a breath, she finally spoke to him. "Sometimes you are absolutely ridiculous," she said with mild annoyance and affection in her voice. Knowing that it would probably tick him off, she reached over and ruffled his hair, something she might do to Pripyat he was being foolish or silly and she was chiding him. She would not let misunderstanding get out of hand and get between them again. They had spent long enough chasing after one another.

"Do you really believe that?" the female asked, green eyes intent upon his face. "Because I'll tell you what, that sounds like utter shit to me, and I feel crazy most days." Whatever he was feeling now, she had faith that she would be able to make him see the truth, and the way she felt about them. They had a long way to go, but they had come so far already. She could put her faith to rest in that.

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