Look to the past, tell me what you see
"I beg pardon, milady; I did not mean to remind you of things best forgotten..." His voice trailed off, eyes following the trails of snowflakes drifting their way to a new home, with such a short lifespan if encountering a bit of warmth. The snow reminded him of a song he had heard a long time ago, by a human artist with a voice, he thought, that should have been an angel's voice. Davyn had long ago decided that when he died, he wanted to meet that angel, and thank her for her beautiful music that had so many times soothed his wounded soul.

"It's nice to settle down, though I know not how long I shall stay. This is by far the nicest pack I have encountered thus far. So many kind faces--"inclining his head towards Rendall"And so many things that catch my eye. At this rate, I'm going to have to dredge up some paper and ink to write."

ooc: The song Davyn speaks of...Sorry about the lame post.

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