the waiting game
ooc;; I can try short posts for you Tammi dear, but they usually get long anyway! <3

Completely submerged in snow it was hard to discern the black male from his white encasing. The white frosting was lodged deep into his top guard hairs and gave him the appearance of having turned quite grey as opposed to his unbreakable black. Blue eyes could see his target, his minds eyes could see how he could capture her. He was making hardly any sound, cutting through the white powder and creating a funny little trough where his body had cut through. He would sneak up on her and pull her down, then jump up in a flurry of snow that would confuse the old doe and he would proceed to suffocate her and eat her warm innards. He had it all planned out when a quite, sweet voice from behind him made him stop.

He wasnt the only one who had heard her though and the stragglers of the herd he had been tracking for most of the day looked up in shock. Wide eyes could been seen from all of the older deer and the youngest that had been born only a few months ago. A bleat was all it took for them to turn in formation and race for the line of weedy trees that would give them more coverage than this snowy meadow. Frustration and anger bubbled in the young male's gut as he stood up, his cover no longer needed now his quarry was running away from him. Blue eyes connected with a pale body and he almost laugh aloud. Ever since meeting Naniko he seemed to have been surronded in pale coats. Naniko and her sister were both pure white, Demi was brown but still pale. Another pale male had turned up and Naniko's older son was also pale. When would he meet another who was a dark as him, aside from his leader's small son who shared his dark coat. Still, she gave her name and the charming smile was there before he had time to think it through.

”Hello there, miss Aston. My name is Theodore Stone, but Teddy is what I go by.”

He informed with the a quick swish of his tail. He was in lupus form, as he preferred for hunting, and she was higher than him on the mountain side. He looked up at her, a face framed in white snow, blue eye twinkling nicely in their holdings. He couldnt help himself- she was attractive to him and so he would flirt.

word count;; 414



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