[M]"We can't Stop here, it's bat country"
ooc;; This should be interesting!

Had Demi the ability to peer inside the males mind, she perhaps would have found it rather entertaining to watch what he was thinking. Aside from the total absurdity of this trip, his filthy mind was imagining all sorts of things that were too rude to say aloud. It seemed she had understood him from the moment he had offered her a hand up off the ground, for she had worn tight fitting, too short shorts that were driving him wild. When she had hunted him out this morning with a spare back pack and those scraps of material covering her body, there was no doubt that he was going to escort her all over this damn country and then back to his bed. Or so he would have liked. He had licked his lips and nodded to her request, despite the fact that he could see her pupils were huge and she could barely look at him straight without her gaze skittering away.

Teddy had not been exposed to drugs all that much but he was no fool to ignore the fact that she was probably in space right now. Although she could walk straight, her eyes kept darting back and forth as though she were seeing something he couldnt. They had skirted around the borders of the coyote clan, reaching neutral territory from the bubble they had encased themselves in. Naniko was elbow deep in her plans and Teddy had been more than happy to get away from the cramped temporary base they had made themselves by the mountains. Demi's offer had been a god send and a cock tease wrapped all up in a nice little bundle for him to pick up and drop as he pleased. Appraising blue eyes were busy with her round behind when she stopped and waited for him to catch up with her.

With a certain amount of disappointment, Teddy tore his gaze away from her tail end and came up beside her. She looked like she was swaying but he couldnt be sure. Just in case, he gently placed his hand on her elbow and held her steady. A crooked smile was given in her direction, although she was possibly too high to recognise this charming nitbit of encouragement. Her words were a little light to him, but his hearing was good and he picked out her teasing words with another flash of fire to his groin area. This was madness. All he really wanted to do was lay her down as take her till she screamed his name. But that would be taking advantage and despite his raging libido he was not that kind of guy. He liked the challenge in seduction, not outright forcing.

”I was enjoying the veiw from behind very much until you insisted on speaking to me... I'm loving those shorts on you. Therefore, escorting you here was a pleasure!”

He told her honestly, grinning slightly as he leant his body back to look openly at her ass. He would have liked to squeeze a cheek but she appeared to have other things on her mind. Remembering the pack she had given him when she'd found him, he now began to wonder what they were actually here for. A snort and a shake of his head was given as he gazed around the streets of Halifax. The hospital was around here somewhere and apparently she needed help to find some drug or another. He wondered if they were for personal use only or whether they were for the benefit of the pack. He didnt care either way, as long as she took the lead on the way home as well.

”When we find the hospital, you just tell me what I need to carry darlin'. I assume I am here to be pack mule?”

Smooth words were given with a honeyed smile and a wink of his blue eye. She was a sassy one and Teddy could tell that if he ever decided to persue her she would certainly be a challenge for him. All the more reason to do so, in the young mans mind.

word count;;



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