common side effects include

Yaay Anna thread

Enkiel had a learning curve when it came to the natures of plants. He was used to the things he could find in Egypt—not here. Of course, before coming here he had no desire to heal. Seeing his size dwarfed by nearly everyone (including a child!) he had reserved himself to finding other uses. A healer, he had reasoned, would put him within the realm of power he desired. Who lived and who died would be up to him, if it came down to that. Though not a creature who would be capable of killing with his hands, he knew of poisonous plants and their properties.

These he did not grow in the greenhouse. His stock was kept within his home in the guest house, which was in truth two rooms. One he lived in, and the other contained his supplies. He considered clearing out a third for patients, but had not gotten to that point yet. Today he had slept in late, having spent the cold night curled up under a pile of blankets. It bothered him that he needed to wear clothes, but the wool poncho helped keep him warm. He would need more to survive the winter, but he was unsure what would do. Izaak had helped greatly (when he was understandable), but it was not enough.

Luckily, the greenhouse was warm, and he intended to spend most of the day in there. He was surprised to find another girl in there, but recognized the scent as one familiar to this place. She must have been responsible for the things he had not planted. “Hello,” he called out.

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