i will not doubt you


The autumn air was growing colder, which was sign enough for Enkiel he needed to start gathering wild roots. Not a creature used to the hard soil, he had brought a small hand trowel to assist him. It, along with the large glass jar in his bag, made the satchel heavy. Enkiel did not complain, though he certainly would have liked to. No one was around to hear him, though.

Enkiel had memorized the plants by sight, having spent most of his days doing so. It did not take him long to find the Valerian once he began looking in the most likely area for it. He sniffed about and followed the scent, which was sharp and reminded him of cat urine. The plant was no longer flowering, but he was able to dig up the roots with the trowel easily enough. Excess dirt was shuck off and the root stuffed into the large jar, piece by piece. When it was filled, he rose and brushed the dirt off on his legs.

As he rose, the wind turned and brought with it an equally sharp scent. Blood. Enkiel’s large ears swiveled and he began moving towards the source quickly. It took him several minutes to find the man, lying in the grass and bleeding from several places. His leg was noticeably the worst. The jackal closed the distance between them quickly. “Stay still, I’m a healer. You have a lot of wounds still bleeding and they need closed up.” The jackal dropped to the ground and shrugged off his pack, beginning to dig through it with nimble fingers.

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