
The beach was much colder than it had been the last time Gabriel had been there. He did not wish to linger long and battle the salty air, but duty was duty and he was bound to it. With a great loping stride he traveled from one end of the shore to the other, turning north to make his way up towards the old human things where his sister had once lived. He missed her sorely, but understood she was a creature who was not capable of being bound as he was.

Gabriel had not gone far when the call came, an eerie thing that was not quite as familiar as a coyote’s. It belonged to Enkiel, for the jackal’s cry was slightly deeper than his sister’s. Though there was urgency in the tone, it was not panicked—but Gabriel did not doubt that the boy would have called him without reason, and moved quickly towards the source.

What he found startled him. A woman who was as pale as snow was lying on the ground, covered by the jackal’s clothing. Enkiel was shivering, and Gabriel looked to him sharply. What the hell was going on?

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