all of this can be broken

table © Alaine
ooc: Bananassssss~

WC: 900+

As Sylvie stood her ground, assuming the position once held by the cobalt knight before her, Caillen growled once more, his eyes burning in conjunction with her own. His words rang true, and Sylvie felt herself falter. "You broke me, Sylvie Ciel," Broke me... broke me... destroyed his beliefs and his reasoning in one fell swoop. Left him behind too many times. Took him for granted... she had always believed he would be there, no matter when she left, or when she returned... never truly appreciated him for what he was. He held her heart in his hands for as long as she had known him, though she hadn't seen him as much as she so wanted. In an effort to protect her dreamer from the nightmares of the world, she had sent him to experience them alone.

And she knew it.

The results of her actions would plague her for the rest of her life. And she knew it. But if there was one thing she also knew, it was that these transgressions were capable of being forgiven. And if there was one thing Sylvie always did... it was forgive. Forgive and forget was a phrase attached to the gypsy damsel for as long as she could remember. She had forgiven her parents, her assailant... and now, she needed to forgive herself... and hopefully garner Caillen's forgiveness in return. Life would not go on in a civil manner if neither things were accomplished, but sitting here, listening to Caillen's words... such a chance seemed far, far away.

For though Sylvie had no idea what on earth Caillen was saying, the tone in which it was said was an utter insult. An accent, naught noticeable until now, danced over his words, that childish stutter gone. Sylvie could not understand it. As Alaine collapsed into her arms, sobbing, Sylvie watched with muted eyes as her once beloved friend slipped out the door, vanishing into the darkening hall of the creaking Chien Hotel. Torn, Sylvie looked to Alaine, and then to the empty space where Caillen had been. She was the one being left behind, left to care for a broken woman while the one who so broke her walked away unscathed. Was this what it felt like, when she didn't come home to Caillen and Alaine once again? Her heart was already completely disintegrated, broken shards of a once frozen crystal, dull with lack of use... but she wasn't yet done. What was left of her soul cried out to do something.

And something she did do. Sweeping Alaine off her feet, Sylvie carried the light fairy woman to the bed she had been occupying the past few days, setting her down upon its soft, feathery form. Retrieving a blanket and pillow, the younger collie dog took a deep, heaving sigh, and spoke. "Alaine... please stay here. I will return shortly... there is... something I have to say to him before he leaves again." Giving the crying female a quick nuzzle under the chin fluff, Sylvie covered her up and headed for the doorway, pausing a moment to recollect herself before vanishing into the darkness. This time, this time she would indeed be coming back.

Racing down the staircase three at a time, the nimble sylph agilely dashed out the creaking doorway to the Chien Hotel and out onto the overgrown lawn, nose to the air in search of that familiar scent, that ever prevalent smell that clung to Caillen as the scent of the ocean so clung to Sylvie. Once more she took to her feet, claws digging into the frozen earth while tongue lolled in a pant. The adrenaline was truly kicking in now, and Sylvie found herself wheeling around tree trunks without so much as a glance in their directions. Left, right, left... there! A hulking form lumbered ahead of her, the scent a match for her quarry. "Caillen!" She called, still running to catch up to him.

Sylvie refused to just lie down and let him leave without a decent goodbye simply because he was pissed off. She needed a better reason than that. She needed to convince Caillen to return to his senses and not make threats about slaying Daisuke. She needed... she needed to see him as not the slate and ivory monster that had been terrorizing its own mother, but as himself. And though he was very, very angry, Sylvie hoped that, through it all, she could still see that inkling of his old self somewhere in those flaming amytal gems, that vibrant orange mop, that twitching frown. What had taken such a hold on her dreamer? Her pace slowed as she finally caught up to him, panting lightly as violet gems waxed in and out of a roaring flame. "I know this won't help, but..." she said, shaking her head. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me. I hope that, maybe, you can forgive me... and see that your mother being with Daisuke... it's not bad as you make it out to be." She sighed a little, frowning softly.

There wasn't much else for her to say, to do, or even to think, that could possibly change the brute's mind beyond that... and so the lilac and alabaster marked beauty bowed her head a moment and turned away, intending on returning to the Hotel to comfort Alaine and reassure her that she was still alive. "Take care of yourself... we'll miss you." She said finally, beginning her trek away, slowly at first, one hand raised in a gesture of goodbye, before her hand dropped and she started walking at a more normal pace, the tears welling up in her eyes left unchecked in the darkened evening light. It wasn't like Caillen would see them... well.

Speak think walk


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