Under my skin.
sdfsdfhg! So sorry this is late. ;-; +3

Bangle twirled the knife between his delicate fingers, shifting through several ideas of the buckskin in mind. His head raised up, rather surprised at another male advancing, and judging by his question he had seen most of the chase. Bangle flicked his tail agitatedly once, sizing up this male that approached him. "Huntin', a'course!" Bangle said in a sort of matter-of-fact tone, referring to what he had done not moments ago instead of looking down at his own style of dress. The coywolf was never really want to hunt just for the sheer pleasure of it - when he did hunt, it was for a purpose. Of course, one shouldn't put it past the traveler to have a few thrills just for the heck of it.

One of the coywolf's large ears flicked to the side, listening to the funky, fur-dyed male give his opinion on skinning. Well of course he was going to skin the thing. Eating fur was just... wrong. Not to mention it got stuck in your teeth; and made a meal, no matter how hungry one was, a bother. "As yeh can see, I'm not new ta' skinnin', except my method isn't th' cleanest." Though Bangle always made up for his messy sort of skinning job, he did have to admit he could always be better. There was a strange stir in Bangle's belly, two emotions which conflicted in and of themselves. This other male had offered some assistance, which he was glad for, but he also had no business suddenly telling him how to do it.

The red and gray male lifted an eyebrow at the white male's suggestion of hanging it while doing the job. Bangle hadn't thought about doing it that way before. Sure, he always hung meat to dry, or leather strips to breathe, but never a fresh kill in order to skin it. "'Ey, that's an idea. Sit, sit. I'd love t'hear yer methods, I'd be happy to trade ya a bit of a meal in turn." The traveler grinned, figuring the other male would take the deal. Bangle stuck out his hand to the other, still sitting before the buck. "Name's Bangle, friend. Im'a craftsman around these parts. And yerself?"

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