the waiting game

I believe in you! Big Grin

A ghost in the system, and angel on the stairs.

His scent had given him away, since Tayui was just slightly downwind. Otherwise, she hadn't been sure if there really was anyone there. The male had resembled a bush more than a wolf, so when the canine emerged from the snow, Tayui was glad to see it was indeed a luperci and not just a rock she mistook for one. Her eyesight had not yet deteriorated as she was slowly growing older. It was a sudden thought, but she quickly dismissed it; she had no time to dally with such weaknesses.

It was only then Tayui also realized the male had been hunting, too. Tayui felt somewhat guilty, but dismissed that emotion as well. She didn’t have time for it. She nodded when the male replied and was about to ask him what he was doing, but stopped. No, she knew what he had been doing: hunting. Even though she had not noticed it before – and could have even joined in if she had been a little more perceptive – she supposed it would be rude to ask.

“Sorry for interrupting your hunt, Theodore,” she replied, preferring his formal name over ‘Teddy.’ She quickly added: “what are you doing this far east, aside from hunting that is?” Curiosity she supposed. The best answer would be: looking for Shadowed Sun. She wasn’t sure what the worst answer could be and she could only hope for the best.


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